PWP Evaluation Rubric

Here you will find comprehensive documentation regarding all Personal Website Project requirements, and the evaluation rubric that will be used to grade each PWP Milestone including the final project score.

Milestones Overview

The Personal Website Project is comprised of four Milestones that need to be completed in order. Each Milestone is a project requirement. A missing or Tier 0 Milestone will render the Personal Website Project as a whole incomplete. The Personal Website Project is a graduation requirement, and must be satisfactorily completed with a minimum of 20 out of 40 possible points (50%, and an average of Tier II) in order for a student to graduate the Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp..

Please be aware that the PWP Milestones are not weighted equally.

Milestones 1, 2, and 3 will collectively comprise 50% of the final Personal Website Project score, with the remaining 50% of the score based upon Milestone 4.

Each Milestone will be evaluated according to the Minimum Technical Requirements outlined below. Please take note of the percentage in parentheses next to each Milestone. This percentage represents the portion of the final PWP score that the Milestone is worth. Milestone 4/Final Delivery will be evaluated according to both the Minimum Technical Requirements AND the Milestone 4 Rubric, and is worth 50% of the final grade out of 40 possible points. Please see the Sample Rubric Scoring at the end of this document.

Each project Milestone will be scored according to the highest qualifying Tier. Tier II is considered the minimum passing score for any individual Milestone.

Minimum Technical Requirements


  • All code must adhere to best practices and the Deep Dive Coding Style Guide.
  • Codebase must not contain any evidence of plagarism or non-attribution where necessary. While the use of third-party JavaScript/jQuery plugins for interactive UI components will be allowed with proper attribution, no third party themes or pre-built HTML and CSS design files are allowed on this project.
  • File tree and directory structure must be correct as per project specifications (see Milestone 1).
  • Layout must render consistently and correctly in current stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Chrome for Android, and iOS Safari.
  • Successful responsive layout on mobile devices is mandatory.
  • All Milestone documentation and deliverables must be written in valid HTML5, pushed to GitHub, and included in the /documentation directory at the project root.
  • Upon final due date, PWP must be deployed live to student's personal web hosting account and accessible at their own domain name.
  • Consistent and correct use of Git version control, with meaningful and appropriate Git commit history visible on GitHub.



  • No inline JavaScript inside HTML. jQuery, custom JavaScript, and any third party files or libraries should be linked in the HTML <body> tag.


  • CSS follows best practices and the Deep Dive Coding Style Guide, with appropriate and valid use of CSS selectors.
  • All custom styling is to be organized in external CSS files, linked in the HTML <head>. No inline styling, or raw CSS in the HTML allowed.


  • Professional standard of presentation. Consistent and appropriate use of colors, typography, and graphic design elements that are cohesive with the project purpose and goals.

Milestone weighting

Milestones are not weighted equally. The first three are worth 50% of your grade in total. The final deliverable (Milestone 4) is worth 50% of your grade.

  • Milestone 1: 20%
  • Milestone 2: 20%
  • Milestone 3: 10%
  • Milestone 4: 50%

Milestone 1-3 Rubric

Tier IV (40) Tier III (30) Tier II (20) Tier I (10) Tier 0 (0)
Exceeds Minimum Technical Requirements. Meets all Minimum Technical Requirements. Meets all Minimum Technical Requirements. Does not meet Minimum Technical Requirements. Does not meet Minimum Technical Requirements.
No errors. Contains one error maximum. Contains three or less errors. Contains more than three errors. Contains more than four errors.
No project omissions. No project omissions. No project omissions. Contains one omission, and will require resubmission prior to graduation. Submitted Milestone is grossly incomplete (has more than one omission) or has evidence of plagiarism or non-attribution.
Submitted early or on time. Submitted on time. Submitted within 24 hours of the posted due date. (Excused absences excepted.) Submitted late, within two (2) calendar days of due date (excused absences excepted). Milestone is more than two (2) calendar days late or has not been submitted. (EXCUSED absences excepted.)

Milestone 4/Final Delivery Rubric (50%)

Tier IV (40)

  • All Milestones have been completed and signed off by instructors early or on time, at Tier III or above. (EXCUSED absences are excepted.)
  • Project exceeds the Technical Requirements as outlined above, with no major errors.
  • Meaningful Git commit messages are consistently integrated with every commit and push.
  • Project file tree is well organized according to Milestone 1 specifications.
  • All milestone deliverables are present in the /documentation directory.
  • Styling and design renders consistently and correctly, with no errors, in current stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Chrome for Android and iOS Safari.
  • Successful and error-free mobile-first responsive rendering across all screen breakpoints (xs-xl).
  • Project is deployed live to student's web hosting account, and is accessible via the student's own domain name.
  • Web design meets an exemplary, professional standard of quality. |

Tier III (30)

  • All Milestones have been completed and signed off by instructors on time. (EXCUSED absences are excepted.)
  • Project meets the Technical Requirements as outlined above.
  • Meaningful Git commit messages have been consistently integrated.
  • Project file tree is organized as outlined in Milestone 1.
  • Code conforms to the Deep Dive Coding Style Guide.
  • Styling and design renders correctly in current stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Chrome for Android and iOS Safari.
  • Successful responsive rendering across all screen breakpoints (xs-lg).
  • Web design is complete, consistent, and appropriate regarding the project's stated purpose, and meets a very high standard of quality.
  • No apparent technical glitches.
  • Project is deployed live to student's web hosting account, and is accessible via the student's own domain name.

Tier II (20)

  • All Milestones have been completed and signed off by instructors, with one late submission acceptable. (EXCUSED absences excepted.)
  • Project meets Minimum Technical Requirements as outlined above.
  • Project file tree is organized as outlined in Milestone 1.
  • Code conforms to the Deep Dive Coding Style Guide.
  • Regular and consistent Git commit history.
  • All milestone deliverables are included in the /documentation directory.
  • Minor technical glitches may be apparent that affect site functionality.
  • Web design is complete, consistent, and appropriate regarding the project's stated purpose, and meets an average standard of quality.
  • Project is deployed live to student's web hosting account, and is accessible at student's domain name.

Tier I (10)

  • Milestones 1, 2, or 3 are incomplete, missing, or have not submitted within three (3) days of due date. (EXCUSED absences excepted.)
  • Project does not meet all Minimum Technical Requirements as outlined above.
  • Code does not adhere to the Deep Dive Coding Style Guide.
  • Git commit history is inconsistent, and/or Git commit messages are not meaningful.
  • Project file tree does not adhere to specifications outlined in Milestone 1.
  • Styling, rendering, or design errors/inconsistencies are apparent across current stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Chrome for Android, or iOS Safari.
  • UI renders inconsistently, is not fully responsive on mobile, or layout is error-prone across breakpoints.
  • Design and layout is inconsistent, unprofessional, inappropriate regarding site purpose, or meets a below-average standard of quality.
  • Placeholder or Ipsum text is present on the site or has been left in place of actual page content.
  • PWP is not deployed live to the student's web hosting account, and/or site is not accessible at the student's own domain name. |

Tier 0 (0)

  • PWP is grossly incomplete, not submitted, or is missing.
  • Codebase contains evidence of plagiarism, non-attribution, or includes the use of a pre-built template.
  • Code does not adhere to the Deep Dive Coding Style Guide.
  • Project does not meet Minimum Technical Requirements.
  • Inconsistent or non-integration of Git commits and commit messages.
  • Project does not use Tailwind.
  • Project file tree does not adhere to the structure outlined in Milestone 1.
  • Styling, design errors, and/or major rendering inconsistencies present across browsers.
  • User Interface is not responsive.
  • Web design is incomplete, inconsistent, or inappropriate regarding site purpose, and/or meets a very low standard of quality.
  • Project is not deployed live to student's web hosting account, and is not accessible at the student's URL.

Sample Rubric Scoring

A total of 40 points are possible for the PWP. A minimum total score of 20 out of 40 points are required to pass. Submission of all Milestones is also required for the project to be considered complete. Tier II is considered the minimum passing Tier for any individual Milestone.

Milestone Tier IV (40) Tier III (30) Tier II (20) Tier I (10) Tier 0 (0)
MS 1 - 20% 0.2(40) = 8 pts 0.2(30) = 6 pts 0.2(20) = 4 pts 0.2(10) = 2 pts 0.2(0) = 0 pts
MS 2 - 20% 0.2(40) = 8 pts 0.2(30) = 6 pts 0.2(20) = 4 pts 0.2(10) = 2 pts 0.2(0) = 0 pts
MS 3 - 10% 0.1(40) = 4 pts 0.1(30) = 3 pts 0.1(20) = 2 pts 0.1(10) = 1 pts 0.1(0) = 0 pts
MS 4 - 50% 0.5(40) = 20 pts 0.5(30) = 15 pts 0.5(20) = 10 pts 0.5(10) = 5 pts 0.5(0) = 0 pts