PWP Milestone Four


Milestone 4 represents the final delivery of your complete Personal Website Project. Yay! 😀

This is the final iteration of your project, and represents your completed work that will be accessible publicly.


Your instructors will check the status of your deployment and GitHub repository on the morning of the due date. Your code will be reviewed.

Be prepared to give a brief, informal presentation of your PWP on Graduation Day. You will be showing off your work to your family, friends, and peers.


Your PWP should be actively deployed to your web host and accessible from your own domain name under HTTPS encryption.

Please refer to the PWP Grading Rubric for details regarding the Project Requirements and Minimum Technical Requirements. All of your code is expected to adhere to the Deep Dive Coding Style Guide. Your PWP should be deployed live to your web host and accessible via your own domain name at this time.